Wednesday 15 August 2012

So it begins...

I haven't posted on the blog in a little while as I've been ill, in the height of summer as well! Unfortunately this meant I could not help out at the Blue House farm open day which I mentioned in my last blog. I was completely gutted that I couldn't be there as I was really looking forward to it, but I was told that it was very successful in raising funds for the Wildlife Trust so that is a result.

The big news for this week is that we started a big project at the farm, putting up fox proof fencing around the bird nesting sites after receiving the funding needed from the trust. With 2km of fencing to put up in total, it will be no small task and it is predicted to go on for around 3 month. The protection it will provide for breeding birds such as the avocet will be invaluable. I will be going back to uni before it is finished but I will try to keep the blog updated with pictures and progress reports as the project develops.